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Our Physical Location:

Our Facility

Important info about our facility:

While we love meeting our customers, our manufacturing facility is not open to the public (due to insurance and WSIB prohibitions), and we do not have a shopping area onsite.  You must place your order online and are welcome to come by to pick it up from our manufacturing facility.  Please call us at 647-300-2245 however to arrange a time.

Location & Hours:

1254 Plains Road East, Unit 5A (Maple Ave. and Plains Road)
Burlington, ON L7S 1W6
647-300-2245 (you can call or text to this number)

Please note:  As of January 2017, we will be available for you to pick up your order at our facility.  Please ensure you place your order online first or by phone to avoid having to wait for your order to be filled onsite.  Please call us to arrange a time for pickup.  We are usually around but may step out for an errand.